Senin, 24 Juni 2013


Course                        : English for Biology Student
Subject                        : English
Theme                         : Recount
Level                          : Intermediate
Time allotment           : 2 x 45’ (two meeting)

A.     Standard Competence 


Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in recount, explanation  and report form in daily life context to access knowledge.


To express the meaning in short functional text and simple essay in recount, explanation, and report form in daily life context to access knowledge.

B.      Basic Competency

Responding the functional text (formal and informal) in using tenses accurately in the daily life context to access knowledge including recount, explanation and report  form.

Responding the non functional text (formal and informal) such as recount, explanation, and report text in using tenses accurately in daily life context to access knowledge.

C.      Indicators

1.     Identify the meaning of the text recount.

2.     Identify the steps in the text recount rhetoric.

3.     Reading the text aloud recount

4.     Writing recount text form.

D.     Goals

At the end of the lesson, , the students are expected to:

1.     Answer a simple monologue form of recount text.

2.     Perform oral monologue form of recount text.

3.     Present oral monologue form of recount text.

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